Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top 4 Ways of Getting Rid of Skin Tags at Home

!±8± Top 4 Ways of Getting Rid of Skin Tags at Home

You can always get a doctor to get rid of your skin tags; however, because it is generally considered a cosmetic problem, many insurance companies won't cover the procedure. This leaves you paying a large bill for what is considered a fairly simple process. Before you head off to the doctors office, why not try these simple home methods for getting rid of skin tags.

The first option you have for getting rid of your skin tags is to simply cut them off. It is important to note when doing this that there is a serious risk of infection if you use this method improperly. You should not only use brand new implements for this procedure, but you should also sterilize them first.

You can clean them either by soaking them in a sanitizer (the kind you clean yourself with, not your house) or putting them in fire for a minute or so. Just be sure to let them cool first if you put them in fire. You can clip off the skin tags with small scissors, but you may find it easier to use nail clippers. Simply snip the tag off at the bottom near the healthy skin. This sounds like it hurts a lot, but is generally not too painful. Be sure to have cotton balls or bandages around though, just in case you do bleed some.

Another method for skin tag removal is freezing them off. Doctors often use this method for getting rid of skin tags and warts, but products have come on the market in recent years for doing this at home. Simply find the product at a grocery store and follow the instructions. Because these kits are small and less effective than what a doctor uses, you should probably only consider this method for small tags.

The last home option available for getting rid of skin tags is to cut off their blood supply. This sounds slightly dangerous, but is probably the safest of the home removal options. In this method, you cut off the blood supply to the skin tag by tying string very tightly around the base of the tag.

Depending on the location of your skin tags, you will probably need help tying the string tight enough. Remember to use strong string and to tie it as tightly as possible. You will need to knot the string and keep in on for a few days. After the tag has been cut off from the blood supply, it will eventually die and simply fall off.

While these remedies may be effective for getting rid of skin tags, there are some instances where you should see a doctor instead. There are rare occasions where a skin tag can be malignant, so if you have one dramatically change size or color, you should see a doctor. You should also consult a doctor if anything goes wrong with the removal or if the entire tag doesn't come off. Again, remember to be safe, sterilize, and get someone to help you if you need it.

Top 4 Ways of Getting Rid of Skin Tags at Home

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Antifungal Nail Lacquer Effective For Treating Fungal Toenails

!±8± Antifungal Nail Lacquer Effective For Treating Fungal Toenails

Onychomycosis is a nail infection caused by fungus. About 8% of the U.S. population is affected by nail fungus and the prevalence increases with age. The fungus causes the nail to thicken and discolor. Yellow-brown discoloration or white splotches can be common appearance. More severe infections cause the nail to change shape, curving in at the sides and distorting. The nail can become rough and crumbly. The fungus does not cause pain, but the thickness and shape can cause excess pressure and discomfort and at times lead to ingrown nails and bacterial infection. In diabetics, fungal toenails can lead to ulceration under the nail.

The most common pathogen causing onychomycosis is called a dermatophyte. Dermatophytes are fungus which live on the skin, hair and nails. "Derm" = skin and "phyte" = pathological growth. The toenails are affected more than fingernails because toenails grow more slowly, are enclosed in shoes, are frequently exposed to microtrauma and damp, moist environments. Fungus grow well in enclosed, damp environments which means that individuals with excess perspiration (hyperhidrosis) of their feet and athletes who must be in athletic shoes for long periods of time are more susceptible to developing foot and toenail fungus. Gyms, showers and public pools are common areas for fungus.

A combination of factors contribute to the development of a fungal infection in the nails. Simply coming into contact with fungus will not cause an infection. When the skin is moist, it causes loosening of the bonds and increases the chances of infection. Prolonged exposure to the fungus will also increase the chances of infection. Individuals who are in closed shoes which lack breathability for long periods and perspire due to exercise or warm weather are more likely to develop a foot or toenail fungus. Fungus are more likely to invade through small breaks in the skin around the nail. Runners who experience repetitive microtrauma at the toes from shoe pressure, or individuals wearing tight, narrow shoes or boots are at higher risk of infection. Dry or cracked skin around the nail or the existence of an ingrown nail, even if it's mild, will increase the chances of a fungal infection. Once the nail is infected it becomes extremely difficult to treat.

There are many treatments for nail fungus and they range from natural therapies to prescription oral medications. Most topical treatments have not proven to be very effective in the past and many of the oral medications are too costly or associated with side effects. A new study in the Journal of Foot and Ankle surgery evaluated ciclopirox and debridements in patients with onychomycosis and found the combination to be effective (JFAS Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 294-308 May 2009).

The researchers evaluated 55 patients with 289 toenails with onychomycosis. The patients were randomly divided into two treatment groups, debridement only or debridement with daily ciclopirox (Penlac® ) application. The follow-up average about 10.5 months and results showed that the group treated with both ciclopirox and debridement had a 76% mycological cure rate, which was a statistically significant improvement over those in the debridement only group. Patients with hyperhidrosis (sweaty feet), lunula involvement, positive yeast culture or who smoked cigarettes had a lower rate of mycological cure.

This study was funded by Dermik Laboratories, manufacturers of Penlac® Nail Lacquer.

Antifungal Nail Lacquer Effective For Treating Fungal Toenails

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nail Fungus Remedies - Effective Over the Counter Medications

!±8± Nail Fungus Remedies - Effective Over the Counter Medications

Nail fungal infection is a transferable disease in both arms and feet and is caused by a micro flora of the yeast family known as dermatophyte which enters small openings like scratch or wounds. This fungus resides in dark warm and moist area of the nails which gets nourishment from rich supply of blood.

The fungus inflames the skin which causes too much discomfort and pain causing the nails to fall off. This infection can become more challenging to people who suffer mostly from HIV, diabetic or any circulation problem. Since no one wants to have unattractive and ugly fingernails or toenails, that is why many people resort to over the counter nail fungus remedies where the treatment for nails infections are offered at a cheap price without necessarily having a prescription from a doctor.

Over the counter nail fungus remedies are nowadays multipurpose other than what they were originally intended for. These remedies are often used for toenails fungal or ingrown nails and thus many people prefer the medication because it is cheap and does not pose any major risk and side effects unlike the prescription drugs. You can still use some alternative pharmaceuticals lotions, creams and ointment which also are an alternative for fungal treatment.

There are also household products which are not strictly over the counter product but are not necessarily used for fungal treatment but for different purpose. These products include; Vicks which is used to suppress cold, Listerine which is mouth wash and others like alcohol and vinegar which are known for prevention of toe nail infection.

There is however another nail fungus remedy that has offered the hope of measure and has attained some success and one of the testimonials is the use of vinegar to treat the fungus.

Fungi-B-Gone is vinegar based and uses a safe homeopathic approach that can cure toe nail fungus with regular use. There is definitely no use of washing and soaking your feet for hours wasting your time.

The Fungi-B Gone is also a treatment offered over the counter. It works by changing the acidic level of your toenails and tempers with the conducive grounds on your legs that support the development of toenail fungus.

So whatever remedies you settle for, remember it can reoccur, so protect yourselves and loved ones by taking maximum precautions by always keeping your toenails clean and short and be protected from this difficult which most of the people find it a big problem.

Nail Fungus Remedies - Effective Over the Counter Medications

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Have awful chicken toenails acquired from attach fungus? Try these cures. If your toenails have turned yellow from nasty toenail fungus, don't worry! There are plenty of home remedies and cures that you can use to clear up your yellow toe nails. Some work very quickly in under a couple months time.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Do You Do to Treat Toenail Fungus? Internationally renowned natural health physician Dr. Joseph Mercola reviews the options to naturally prevent and treat toenail fungus.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cures For Toenail Fungus - Cheap and Fast Cures

!±8± Cures For Toenail Fungus - Cheap and Fast Cures

Possibly everybody has heard about vinegar being used as a household cleaner. Except a lot of persons have possibly never heard about it used to cure toenail fungus. Vinegar is acidic and toenail fungus doesn't like an acidic habitat. What you should do is to spread the vinegar all over your toenail. Be positive to get it below the toenail where the fungus is living. You cannot skip a single day. You has to keep the vinegar solution on your feet until the fungus is dead.

Until each part of your infected toenail is grown out. If you even skip a single day the fungus will go back in the new toenail and you'll need to begin the process from the start again. Fill up a bucket with hot water and white natural vinegar in the same proportions. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to be more effective. Let your toenails soak in this bucket for approximately thirty minutes. Clean off your toes when you're done, make sure they're totally dry so the fungus doesn't spread.

This cure has very recently gained popularity. Apparently a few persons really like it, possibly because it noises sort of cool. You put the Vicks vapor rub on your infected nails each day, again creating sure it gets below the toenail where the fungus is living. The downside with this is that your nails might turn dark. But that means it's working to don't stop it.

Tea tree oil has many natural uses, and it happens to battle fungus very well. Put the damaged toenails in a cup filled with tea tree oil. Do this a couple times every day, when you wake up and before you go to bed. You should continue doing this until the fungus has gone.

Hydrogen peroxide is accessible at almost any grocery store or pharmacy. Put the damaged toenails in the hydrogen peroxide solution  for thirty minutes a couple times every day, when you wake up and before you go to sleep. A few might feel the undiluted peroxide a little bit harsh. You can mix this solution with some water so it's not quite as intense.

We don't know exactly why Vicks vapor rub works so well to kill fungus. Lots of people have discovered that using Vicks rub on the damaged nails has really helped, and lots say they discovered no benefit. Vicks  vapor rub is known to halt the growth of toenail fungus, but not kill it. You'll need to use Vicks until your infected nail grows out and a recent one grows in. Usually, it's recommended to attempt the other options rather than this one.

Every single one of these treatments will work better if your toenail is trimmed and filed down. One of the better oils to use for this sort of application is all natural tea tree oil, often times discovered in Australia. There's scientific proof to this anti-fungal action the oil provides. Additionally, as the tea tree oil solution, this home cure for toenail fungus should be used every day. Tea tree oil is all natural and has no harsh side effects.

Cures For Toenail Fungus - Cheap and Fast Cures

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Strange Skin Care

Episode #60: Strange Skin Care Hello, this is BLT Eigo, brought to you by Im your host and English Coach, David Hylton. Last time I told you about a list of some pretty funny remedies my Mom had sent me. Did any of you try those interesting hair-care ideas I gave you? I thought about the beer conditioner, but it was such a hot day and the beer was nice and cold...well you understand. This episode, I'll give you a few skin-care ideas to your own risk of course. OK, are you ready? Here we go.... Number 5: Paint your face with white wood glue and let it dry. Peel off the dead skin and pimples, nikibi, with the glue. (Ouch, sounds kind of painful, but if it works.... Don't try super glue, OK?) Number 7: Treat minor burns, yakedo, with Colgate or Crest toothpaste. (At least you'll have white, shiny skin, huh?) Number 10: Fight athlete's foot, or mizumushi, with cornstarch. Number 17: Kill toenail and fingernail fungus, or tsumeno kabi, with Vick's vapor rub. Good job! Let me know if you try these remedies and...also if they really work. Thanks for joining this episode of BLT Eigo. See you next time right here on Bye. BLT Eigo の ワンポイント 英会話 プログラーム はこちらの方どうぞ

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Does Vicks Vapor Rub Cure Toenail Fungus?

!±8± Does Vicks Vapor Rub Cure Toenail Fungus?

If you have been looking for a cure to toenail fungus for a little while, you have probably heard of at least a few people discussing the possibility of using Vicks Vapor Rub for toenail fungus. I of course did as well quite a while back, and right now I would like to discuss whether or not it is a legitimate home remedy for toenail fungus hopefully help you make a decision as to what could work for you.

When I decided I needed to get my toenail fungus problem under control, Vicks Vapor Rub for Toenail Fungus was the first product decided to try. I thought that it would be a good idea because I knew that I could get it at any drug store, and I figured it would not be hard to apply each day. After using it for a few weeks, I was already starting to think that it might not be a miracle product after all. I end up completely stopping its use after 6 weeks because I didn't see any major improvements at all.

There are apparently people who have had some form of success with Vicks Vapor Rub for toenail fungus, but I am not completely convinced that those people actually use ONLY Vicks or if they also used something else with it that could lead them to see more success with it. All I was personally able to achieve through using it for over a month and a half was a slightly different color of toenail, as well as somewhat softer toes. I don't feel like that's the success I was looking for.

I talked to my doctor about using vicks for toenail fungus, and he told me that it is not a product that has any ability whatsoever to kill fungus, and I would therefore not be able to have success with it. What it can do is smother the fungus to some extent and make your toenails seem like they might be improving because they are softer because of the petroleum in vicks. However, the end result is that your toenails will not actually be improved with respect to killing fungus, although they might at least APPEAR a little better after several weeks of use. The changes will not last in the long term.

I would not tell anyone to use Vicks Vapor Rub to cure toenail fungus. I wouldn't tell any of my friends, or anyone I might meet for that matter. For most people that already have a persistent problem with toenail fungus, it's hard enough just dealing with trying to hide your ugly toes. Going through the disappointment of working with a product and then not seeing any results can be very difficult.

I have since discovered at least a few products that are actually approved by doctors as legitimate options for eliminating toenail fungus. I have seen some real results using them, so I know they work. No matter what products you decide to test, just remember that a product with a money-back guarantee is probably the most legitimate option available. There are plenty of products that do not have any kind of guarantee, and if you use them you will most likely be disappointed.

Does Vicks Vapor Rub Cure Toenail Fungus?

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